Articles submitted to Iranian Society of Dermatology journals are primarily evaluated by statisticians and internal screeners who check the articles for any methodological flaws, format, and their compliance with the journals' instructions. Then a submission code will be allocated and all the future contacts should be based on this code. Through a double-blind review process, the articles will be reviewed by at least two external (peer) reviewers. Their comments will be passed to the authors and their responses to the comments along with the reviewers’ comments will then be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief, and a final reviewer who can be a member of the Editorial Board. The final review process will be discussed in regular editorial board sessions and on the basis of the comments, and the journal’s scope, the Editor-in-Chief will decide which articles should be published.
Advertising policy
Our advertising policy is consistent with the principles mentioned in the Recommendations on Publication Ethics Policies for Medical Journals which issued by the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).
COPE’s flowcharts and guidelines are approached in confronting any ethical misbehavior. Our Journals also follow the guidelines mentioned in the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals which issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (
Informed consent policy
All patients and participants of the research should be thoroughly informed about the aims of the study and any possible side effects of the drugs and intervention. Written informed consent from the participants or their legal guardians is necessary for any such studies. Our Journals reserve the right to request the related documents.
The process for handling cases requiring corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern
Correction of Errata:
Our Journals will publish erratum when factual error in a published item has been documented.
Our journals benefit from editorial freedom. The editors evaluate and accept articles based only on significance, originality, validity, and adherence to the aims and scope of the Journal.